You can additionally create the more databases and DB users directly from bash shell: Creating additonal DB: createdb dbname. Then use this aliases pgstart to start the Postgres Server & pgstop to stop the Postgres Server. Additionally, this free online ethical hacking course makes a wonderful quick reference for penetration testers, red teams, and other security professionals. /postgres start > /.bashrc alias pgstop pgctl -D. We will teach you how to use Metasploit, in a structured and intuitive manner. We are proud to present the most complete and in-depth Metasploit guide available, with contributions from the authors of the No Starch Press Metasploit Book. This course is a perfect starting point for Information Security Professionals who want to learn penetration testing and ethical hacking, but are not yet ready to commit to a paid course. A sum of $9.00 will feed a child for a month, so any contribution makes a difference. Once youve installed the PostgreSQL server with apt-get install postgresql-9.1, its already set up and running so your steps 2 and 3 (run postgres and run initdb) are not necessary and in fact would conflict with what has already been set up.By running manually initdb youll end up with two postgres clusters.
The Metasploit Unleashed (MSFU) course is provided free of charge by Offensive Security in order to raise awareness for underprivileged children in East Africa. If you enjoy this free ethical hacking course, we ask that you make a donation to the Hackers For Charity non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Metasploit Unleashed – Free Ethical Hacking Course a11y.text Metasploit Unleashed – Free Ethical Hacking Course